42 products
42 products
Vapexcape, Regina's Premium Head Shop carrying top brands with a gorgeous collection of bongs, bubblers, recyclers, bowls, replacement down stems, cleaners and every other piece of cannabis hardware to make sure we are your one stop smoke shop and more near you! Open 7 days/week in Regina, Saskatchewan
What type of bongs are the best?
We carry a variety of bong types from all of our brands, a few of these types are:
All having a different purpose and style, More water or percolators will be a smoother pull but usually lead to a larger size and price tag.
How do I choose a bong?
First you need to know some of the features of bongs,
Within each style of bong, you’ll notice some have certain features while others do not.
These can include:
▪️ Percolator/ Percs: Looking similar to a showerhead contained within the neck or body of your bong, the point of the percolator is that by the time the smoke has travelled the extra distance and been filtrated through the water, it will have cooled significantly more, making it smoother, and more flavorful.
▪️ Acrylic: Plastic being a very forgiving material, well suited for parties, festivals and travelling. Effective and affordable.
▪️ Glass: Great for watching your smoke travel through the bong, particularly if your clear glass bong has a percolator or recycler. More brittle, so less suited for parties than acrylic or silicone alternatives, but a fantastic addition to any coffee table.
▪️Borosilicate Glass A specially designed material that is much more resistant to thermal shock than regular glass, borosilicate glass is what all bongs aspire to be made from. Tough, but easy to clean as well as being heat resistant, this is the current gold standard for bong materials.
At Vapexcape we pride our selves on having some of the most top quality 7mm and 9mm glass from some well known brands such as: Gear, Red Eye, Preemo, Cheech
In addition to our top notch selection of glass we also carry a wide range cleaning and care products such as: